HAs been CRAZY busy working. Between his "real" job at Cargill, training the horses, shipping people to race, and taking care of us girls he is on the move constantly........but thats how he likes it :)
is finally starting to feel better after a bout of Bronchialitis that sent us to the hospital for 2 days a couple of weeks ago and scraed the beejeebers out of us! She is still on 2 kinds of inhalers AND antibiotics buts shes eating again and feeling waaaay better. Sleep is starting to return to normal so we all thank God for that!
Cut my hair off and went for a shorter bob. I told my DH that I needed a change and it was either him or the hair, so we decided to try the hair first. ;) I joke.....hahaha.
I am carazy busy at work right now due to an upcoming horse sale but the change in routine is kinda nice :) As for anything crafty, well I have scrapbooked a little bit but mostly stuff I had fallen behind on. I actually havent taken any new pics in a while! Better get on that.
I wont leave my next update for quite as long, I kinda promise ;)
Welcome back! Glad to hear your little girl is feeling better! Love the new hair cut too!